Sunday, January 3, 2010

Special 2010 Interview with The...
In 1996, a comic book was released titled, "MIGHTY CARTOON HEROES". It featured 3 different Anthropormorphic genre heroes saving their universe from horrible threats. Even with word of an impending Animated series for Television, & a good amount of merchandise & Toys on the horizon, our guests today, had suddenly disappeared without a trace! All of a sudden in 1996, the "SPACE BANANAS" had ceased to exist. What happened? Where have they been?,...How were they paying their rent, & fueling a long-known "Banana-Fana" Addiction?...
I am sitting here now with two members of the infamous trio from the Planet Simian...Professor Carmine & Mr. Orlando....How are you sirs?,..or may I call you "SPACE BANANAS"...?

Theriously, doncha know!...We have just been with our families on Thimian,..I for one, have been working for experimental & top Space securities, for our worlds natural habitat, & occassionally for private pharmatheutical companies, doncha know...

I hope I don't say anything inappropriate, but your third & metallic member, WOODY, is not here...Why is that?...

OOH OOH! I can tell ya that! WOODY thinks if he holds out fer pay, he can make a killing if someone decides to re-unite us for a series or something!

Well. I tried to call his agent, to have him appear for this Interview,.. but,..was told he is out somewhere in Dator Primus 5...

OOH OOH!! I'll tell ya what's wrong wit the WOOD-MAN! He let all this exposure go t' his head!

Theriously, doncha know, even when fame-eth Hu-Man, JACK DAVITH, arteest, agreed to do our Comic Book Covers, WOODY flipped & said we made the big-time, doncha know! Me,...I don't thee any point in fame, ya know...

OOH OOH,...It wasn't really bad then,..WOODY still did his job & was there fer us. Meybe a few too many bad jokes thrown in, but that was the worst o' it!
Then we went on a Tour in your galaxy to your EARTH, & all of a sudden, we was celebs! OOH OOH! We began to meet many Hu-Man Funny-Men. Since we Simians have our culture & own entertainment, WOODY took to Hu-Man culture. He is Robot & on Planet Simian, we get old broadcast signals from Earth , old ones of television, old,..ones call SHOWASHOWS, GLEASON, & ...OOH OOH!...CAR54 GUNTHER!.. Him I like!

Tho theriously doncha know, we were being catered to, & this was taking our time away from our real job & re-thpon-tha-bility,...on Planet Thimian, doncha know! But it was nice to thee us on Hu-Man baby chimp toys, & other places. The fame-eth Hu-Man treated us very kindly, doncha know, & gave uth many ideas for exploiting ourthelves...

But, excuse me for cutting in,...what happened to WOODY? What made him just cut you guys off like he did? I know you guys occassionally still speak, but do you see each other?...

OOH OOH!...I tell ya, we start to get deals for Hu-Man Animate Shows. The Professor & I met with many well do success stories, & our agent do his dealings,...yet at this time WOODY was not around. He would be getting oiling/waxing/ expensive stuff, almost every day. He complained cause BRAIN BAT was drawn larger in size than he on second Comic Cover. OOH OOH!, I love the cover!

But theriously, I think it really got bad when Hu-Man wanted to make dum-dum drum,...thongs on disc for Hu-Man child Chimp, donchaknow!...

You mean a CD of Music?...A "SPACE BANANAS" Music CD of Songs?

Theriously, Yeth, doncha know!...Our Hu-Man agent wrote thong & call it, "WOODY TWIST", doncha know...I like it,..ORLANDO like it...But WOODY hated it thinking it was insulting to him, & being last song to play. He was very angry about it, thayin Baby Hu-Man Chimp should not lithen to dum-dum muthic name, WOODY TWIST, doncha know!...

OOH OOH,..Even we told him "TWIST" song will be taken off, he still fly away for days. We could not find him...
When he came back,...OOH OOH!..The Music Disc was ready,...when he opened & looked,...he saw "TWIST" song still there,...and!...guitar pickers with Professor & Me on them inside...But NO WOODY Face on pickers...OOH OOH!...WOODY became depressed, & went away sayin' we not care for him...& us "SPACE BANANAS" fell apart, more missions came our way...we lost the fun...Many Bad Nasty Enemies like "Squirrel Thieves", "Emperor LapHound", & "Nautilus Mind" still roam free making problems for Galaxy...OOH OOH!!

So youre sayin, he felt a bit left out, like a background scene, instead of a major prop. I know sometimes we humans cannot deal with being famous, or very popular, with too many responsibilities. But I'm sure you guys can get things back on course again. I do know you have been offered a lucrative deal for a new animated feature, followed by a licensing bonanza...

Well,..doncha know, we have to dithcuss that between ourselves,..with WOODY...Theriously, he needs to make some changes in his life before we can get things back to the proper good ole' "SPACE BANANAS!"...Doncha know!...

I had completely forgot about the rumour of WOODY & his "Banana-Fana" addiction....Hmmm, could you please say something about this?...

THERIOUSLY NOW! I think we had ENOUGH! Pleathe, ya know,..get that light & camera OUT of my EYETH!!!

OOH OOH Professor! Should I "Belt" em one? OOH OOH! I'll get us Outta Here! C'mon...!

Professor Carmine & Mr. Orlando have activated their jetpacks & took flight through the open skylight here in our Manhattan Tribeca Penthouse. I can still see the trail of exhaust smoke making it's way to some unknown destination. Who knows when next we'll encounter these brave anthropian & majestik heroes of the galaxy...
I am sorry but this concludes our 2010 Interview...Happy Holidays, & a Safe & Enlightening New Years!
"SPACE BANANAS" & all related properties & Characters are TM & © 2010 B. Krauz Prods. All Rights Reserved.
To make up for the rude disappearing act by our Simian Friends...
Here's some very lovely illustrations by Artist, BRENDAN SPILLANE. A very Talented Cartoonist who has attended the "School Of Visual Arts" & has done art for the "AQUAHOUNDS" feature in "MIGHTY CARTOON HEROES"#0,...Enjoy!

© 2010 Brendan Spillane. All Rights Reserved.

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